Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Why Amy Poehler is our #WCW

I will be the first one to admit that I have a completely full blown girl crush on Amy Poehler. Not only is she hilarious, gorgeous, and the star of my favorite show ever (Parks and Rec, duh), but she is also all about empowering women.

Poehler runs the organization, Smart Girls at the Party. Smart Girls at the Party is all about empowering women, its mission is "to help young women and the young at heart with the process of cultivating their authentic selves. We change the world by being ourselves, and being ourselves is a life-long quest."

As a young women in her early 20’s I’m stumbling trying to figure out my way in life and organizations like Smart Girls at the Party our great resources when you feel down and need reassurance that everyone is just trying to find their way in life.

If you haven’t yet, check out the Smart Girl videos on YouTube. Not only are they funny but they convey the message that smart is powerful, smart is nice, and smart is fun.

So thank you Amy Poehler not only for being hilarious and for bringing us Leslie Knope, but for showing women everyone that it is okay to be yourself and embrace everything that makes you beautiful.

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